Monday, September 2, 2013


PAINT & WORDS: SOMETIMES/THE MYSTERIES:   Writers are often advised to write what they know. We painters make self-portraits and use local light, but even so, we’re most ofte...

Friday, March 1, 2013

PAINT & WORDS: "Purple Skirt" : The Evolution Of An Image

PAINT & WORDS: "Purple Skirt" : The Evolution Of An Image: The source for “Purple Skirt” was first a sketchbook drawing   and then a 10” x 8” acrylic study. The awkward, intricate geometry of t...

For me, the success in the final version is in part measured by the distinction of form resolved in the different handling of figurative form and the clothing of the figure. Yet as you say, the total surface is consistent (one of a piece !). Nice work ... talk to you soon -

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sufism & Poetic Transmission

Salaams & Greetings -

Welcome to a place to study and consider the influence of the Sufi Tradition in relationship ...

1. To the poetic impulse to chart the inner emotional world.

2. To transmission of the Unspeakable that nourishes the development of the individual toward Soul Making.

3. To sharing common ground within mystical traditions from all Faiths.